Smart Borders

Smart Borders

Making traveling experience safer and easier

  • In a context where threat is ever present, due to terrorism, or organized crimes, and the increasing number of traverlers, governments must set up strategies to track people activities and moves both inland and offshore.
  • At Morpho we believe that the multi-biometric technologies and processing large volumes of data allow borders to be safer while limiting pending times and improving the traveler experience.
  • Our solutions include collection and analysis of passenger data (API / PNR). Deployed border management systems have proven their usefulness. But so far, they usually address only part of the problems related to border control.
  • Morpho Innovative solutions implement new technologies to address and meet all 21st century challenges.

Automated gates, electronic counters, multi-biometrics: From the United Arab Emirates to the master state for border control

In 2015, Morpho, in partnership with eIMASS, began the deployment of e-Border management system in five major airports in the United Arab Emirates. This project lays the foundation for the future of border control at the global level by combining the latest biometrics technology, automation and systems integration.

At the crossroads of Europe, Africa and Asia, airports in the UAE are among the busiest in the world, with more than 105 million passengers in 2015. The United Arab Emirates are also a very attractive destination both for tourists but also for business. 85% of people residing in the UAE are foreign and the country has one of the largest net migration in the world.

This unique situation requires the UAE a major challenge in the field of border control: to process an extremely important and continuous flow of passengers while ensuring maximum security.

To meet this objective, the Emirates have chosen Morpho as a partner.The e-Border solution allows the processing of passengers entering and leaving the country through automated multi-biometric MorphoWay portals and electronic counters equipped especially with the lastest fingerprint capture technology, MorphoWave.With the grant contactless biometrics - fingerprint, iris and face - the Border is both simpler and faster.